Officers and Committee

Meet our Officers and Committee

The class is run by a committee made up of flag officers, committee members & some honorary positions such as Secretary, Registrar, Treasurer and Class Commodore.

The committee meets regularly throughout the year & is elected by the membership annually, via the AGM. We’re always looking for members who are able to support the RCC, please get in touch!

As a class member, you can contact the committee via the committee/officers or by writing to the secretary.  At committee meetings, the secretary will represent your views to the committee and provide updates of any discussion.

Joe Farrow

Joe Farrow


Matthew Desorgher

Matthew Desorgher

Vice Captain

Chris Tuckett

Chris Tuckett

Rear Captain

Kevin Rhead

Kevin Rhead

Ex Offico

Phil Montague

Phil Montague

Hon. Secretary

Rose Angel

Rose Angel

Hon. Registrar

Nathan Ackroyd

Nathan Ackroyd

Hon. Treasurer

Anthony Landamore

Anthony Landamore

Hon. Commodore

Melanie Farrar

Melanie Farrar

Class Committee

Sally Dugdale

Sally Dugdale

Class Committee

Adrian Lincoln

Adrian Lincoln

Class Committee

Steve Burton

Steve Burton

Class Committee

Bob Branford

Bob Branford

Class Committee

Elysia Ferrier

Elysia Ferrier

Class Committee

Martin Thompson

Martin Thompson

Class Committee

Ruth Lincoln

Ruth Lincoln

Magazine Editor

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